Preventive Maintenance in Action: Practical Examples

Preventive maintenance is an effective and widely used approach in the industrial and commercial sectors that ensures the longevity of assets, seamless work operations, increased performance, lower risks of breakdowns, and reduced downtime.

It is a complex approach having its own technicalities and complexities, but no worries, we have got you! Read the blog to understand preventive maintenance in the light of practical examples, its importance, and tips.

What is Preventive Maintenance?

As the name suggests, preventive maintenance is literally decoded as the process or series of steps to prevent something from getting damaged, and this is exactly the core concept of preventive maintenance.

It is a scheduled procedure that is designed specifically to protect industrial equipment from getting damaged, maintain its efficiency, and encounter any potential threat before it becomes a significant issue.

The tasks involved in preventive maintenance may vary from industry to industry. For example, in the IT industry, preventive maintenance may include regular checking of the data. Look for any bugs in the system and do system updates or hardware inspections. On the other hand, in the automobile manufacturing industry, it may include tasks like regular machine monitoring, equipment efficiency, data analysis, checking the production rate and other tasks.

Let's dig into some practical examples to understand preventive maintenance in detail:

Practical Examples of Preventive Maintenance

As discussed above, different sectors require different plans of action for effective preventive maintenance. Since it's hard to cover all of them here so, we have covered some major industries and their required course of action for preventive maintenace. These examples will help you get a more clear concept of preventive maintenance and how it works:

Preventive Maintenance for Construction Equipment

Preventive maintenance is a frequently adopted strategy in the construction equipment industry as it saves them from costly repairs and reduces downtime. It includes:

  • Check the age of the battery, acid ratio, and voltage retention

  • Inspect the equipment's body and look for any decolouration, damage, loose nuts, or rust

  • Periodic inspection of coolants

  • Regularly inspect the voltages, fuses, and cables

  • Clean the filters for fuel, oil, and air and replace them if necessary

  • Regular fluid analysis, i.e., engine oil, hydraulic oils, transmission fluids

  • Injector cleaning and replacement

  • Frequently lubricating the parts

  • Check the suspension, security features, steering, tyres, and other technical specs.

Preventive Maintenance for Residences

To ensure your residential operations are running smoothly, you need a preventive maintenance plan that may include:

  • Replace filters of air conditioners and furnaces

  • Monthly or annual roof inspections

  • Gutter inspection and repairs

  • Look for leaks, moulds, or any sign of water damage

  • Flush water heaters

  • Replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

  • HVAC system maintenance

  • Remove tile grout caulk around showers

  • Electrical fault-finding inspections

  • CCTV inspections

Preventive Maintenance for Generators

For a seamlessly running generator and its preventive maintenance, you need to ensure the following tasks:

  • Assessing the electrical system and wiring

  • Changing the oil and oil filters regularly

  • Check the overall fluid levels

  • Cleaning the generator

  • Inspecting the air intake system

  • Look for any signs of oil leaks, rodent, insect or other pest infestation

  • Observe alarms or warning lights

  • Observe the appearance of the generator

  • Performing a function and load bank testing test

Preventive Maintenance for Vehicles

For maximum engine efficiency, smooth running, and longevity of vehicles, i.e., cars, buses, trucks, and bikes following preventive maintenance measures are included:

  • Check the tyre rotation and pressure

  • Inspect spark plugs

  • Wires assessment and replacement

  • Inspect and clean the throttle body and fuel injectors

  • Look for signs of leaks, friction, drum, rotor thickness

  • Check the suspension and look for lube looseness or leaks

  • Check the engine and cabin air filters

  • Test the battery and brakes

  • Look for engine oil and change when required

  • Test the lights and brake pads

  • Check the exhaust system

Preventive Maintenance for the Hospitality Sector

The hospitality industry includes spaces where there is usually high public traffic, like restaurants and hotels, so it requires a strict preventive maintenance plan that may include tasks like:

  • Timely plumbing repairs

  • Frequent drain and sewer cleaning

  • Maintain optimum water pressure

  • Regular maintenance of HVAC system

  • Inspecting and cleaning filters

  • Look for signs of insect infestation

  • Observe any signs of water leaks

  • Polishing and maintaining furniture

  • Inspect the kitchen equipment like refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers

  • Inspect bathroom accessories like fixtures, faucets, showerheads and get repairs if required

  • Circuit breakers and panels servicing

  • Check emergency alarms

Importance of Preventive Maintenance

The importance of preventive maintenance is undeniable, especially in the industrial domain, where expensive machinery and equipment are the backbone of generating revenue for the industries. But many people often take preventive measure services as an extra expense and avoid taking professional help. However, here are a few points highlighting the importance of preventive maintenance:

  • PM increases the efficiency of the equipment and increases the longevity.

  • 90% of the mechanical failures can be reduced by taking preventive measures.

  • It reduces the downtime of equipment; hence, it is a time-efficient approach.

  • PM maintains or improves the output quality like in HVAC systems, electrical appliances and others.

  • It mitigates the chances of unexpected repairs or unforeseen situations. This way, you can save a hefty amount of money on repairs.

  • Ensures the equipment complies with safety and legal regulations.

  • It helps to boost the overall productivity.

  • A well-planned PM helps you predict the expected downtime, preparing you to make required arrangements for timely repairs. Hence, it increases the repair speed.

  • The PM ensures the system's efficiency, which in turn consumes less energy. Resultantly, you get reduced energy bills making it an energy-efficient approach.

Important Tips for Preventive Maintenance

PDCA Model: To make an effective PM strategy, try to integrate the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act) model. According to this model, use the existing data, repair histories and operational patterns to make a plan followed by consistent execution. Then, take the feedback, observe the results, and analyze them to revise and improve the strategy again.

Integrate Software: You can take assistance from various software like CMMS and even AI to boost overall efficiency and automate some operations.

Hire Experts: You can seek professional help from companies like Rildov LLC, who are offering a wide range of preventive maintenance, CMMS implementation, outsourced maintenance, and other reliable services that can help you see visible benefits and business growth over time.


What is Industrial Maintenance?