Machines don't adhere to "normal business hours," and they certainly don't come equipped with flashing signs to pinpoint issues. Yet, every minute a machine remains inactive translates to potential productivity losses.

For those operating under a just-in-time delivery model, such downtime can trigger a ripple effect across the entire production process. Recognizing this critical need, RILDOV is proud to provide comprehensive industrial machine repair and servicing around the clock.

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The optimal performance and predictable capacity of equipment are paramount in manufacturing operations. Our turn-key machine repairs, spanning from initial inspection to full operation, are executed in collaboration with our in-house skilled trades, ensuring a swift return to service.


RILDOV extends its support through both field service and mobile maintenance, catering to your needs at your facility to minimize the downtime associated with shipping to and from our premises. Our dedicated technicians are available 24 hours a day and can seamlessly collaborate with your staff to expedite the repair and restoration of your industrial machines. Some of our field services encompass:

- Motor-reduction units

- Chains and sprockets

- Brake chambers

- Conveyor belts

- Air compressor maintenance


In the realm of industrial machine repair, troubleshooting rarely begins with the question, "Is it plugged in?" Issues can manifest in various areas, and a seemingly minor glitch can trigger a domino effect within the machining process. RILDOV's staff is adeptly trained to collaborate with your team in troubleshooting the following systems:

- Hydraulic systems

- Pneumatic systems

- Electromechanical systems

Depending on the situation, you might have an in-house expert capable of rectifying identified issues. Alternatively, we offer comprehensive build services to facilitate a prompt return to work. At RILDOV, we understand the urgency of industrial machine issues and stand ready to provide efficient, effective solutions at any hour.